Thursday 22 January 2015

Day 22, Shell.
Optical illusion, The far shell is an Ostrich Egg , the near one is a Hen Egg


  1. How neat is that?!!!!! Nice shot, and even more interesting seeing the original sizes, side by side!

  2. that is a great illusion. I tried to think of what the illusion could be before coming here but had no idea. Brilliant idea. Glad you showed us how different they reallty are!

  3. Very cool illusion and a great idea for the use of a shell in your image for the day. They are both such cool colours! They look like shades of gold.

  4. Thanks for showing us the before and after shots. How neat to have an Ostrich egg...shall we assume it is hollowed out?

  5. Cool illusion and shot, the colour, lighting and composition all very good :-)
