Thursday 15 January 2015

Day 15.  Ceiling detail

Managed a trip to Manchester today, so I'm back with the fisheye. This is the ceiling in the City's Central library, after it's £multi-million  refurbish.


  1. Perfect use for the distortion of the fisheye!! Glad you're back to showing it off!

  2. Now this is a place that is very worthy of the fisheye. What a great shot. Keep up the fantastic work!

  3. Now this is where that lens of yours just struts it stuff.

  4. Wow, this is superb! I would have made it a tiny bit brighter, but it's stunning detail and perfect symmetry, so simply amazing to look at. Great lens!

  5. Cool, the fisheye is back. It works good for this scene. I'm beginning to think that perhaps the bigger the subject/room/building/landscape the more glory for the fisheye.

  6. That's an awesome shot Leo! The colour, lighting, texture and symmetry are marvelous.

  7. This is one of your best, the fisheye is showing us so much of the roof and with great details too
