Friday, 5 February 2016

Day 5 Hand tools, Spanners,
There are small ones, bigger ones and whoppers.


  1. That tiny guy got his big brothers to take care of that bully on the lower left. :)

  2. The invasion of the spannersnatchers, it looks as if those upper three are flying down.

  3. The angle of view of this makes for an interesting and arresting shot with a lovely random-looking composition that I am sure wasn't actually as random as you cleverly made it look. The little one is very cute compared to those other biggies.

  4. Cool tool abstract. Very well arranged. It looks like something they could hang on the wall of a tool shop. When I think about it, all of your shots would look great in a place like that. They're gonna make a great collage when you're done :)

  5. Awww - the spanner family at rest. ;)

  6. Love this one, well composed, light and focused!
