Friday, 23 January 2015

Day 23. Button.
Illuminated button. Toast anyone?


  1. Clever idea for a button -- and toast.. ha! You got me there. At first I thought it was some sort of fan... cold or warm air.. but now I understand that the snowflake is for toasting something that is frozen.

  2. Nice find ... perhaps the lighting and contrasts could have had a few tweaks?
    Anyway, as Wallace says, I hope it was 'cracking good toast', Leo ;)

  3. I had no clue what this was! And I've never seen a snowflake icon on a toaster. But heck, if it works..... As for the buttons, they obviously work - the light is on!
    Nice find!

  4. Ah, a toaster. I thought maybe a microwave when I saw it. Cool take on the button theme.

  5. I never thought of this type of button, til I saw yours. Nice thinking around the button theme.

  6. I always wanted a microwave that cools as well as heats, I am glad you have invented it lol
    Good take on the theme and fun comments too
