Saturday 17 January 2015

Day 17. Motion blur.
The snow ball fight. My Granddaughters were playing in the snow(the first real snowfall this winter) I managed to capture this from about 30 shots. I hope it fits the bill.


  1. Oooh, er, very scary looking. The extra face she has on her shoulder reminds me of the idea of the inner self on each shoulder. Is that her good or naughty self there? Very interesting.

  2. It's a bit like a ghost playing in the snow. Looks like the kids were having fun!

  3. It looks like she's 'materialising' out of the air for an unsuspecting snowball raid ... now that would be cool! :)

  4. Is this the same poor granddaughter who got the snowball in her face several years ago for our winning team contest???? I didn't realize you guys had so much snow there!

    1. No, that was Chris's daughter Hannah, this is one of our daughter's daughter Alex. This is only a smattering of snow we often have it quite deep.

  5. Great composition Leo and it looks quite unique because, while your granddaughter is obviously doubled up / blurred, the effect is totally lost in both the snow background and the darkness.

  6. It's like the still of a horrormovie, only she looks a bit to happy to be scary ;)

  7. Ooops, I mistakenly corrected myself on the golf shot, thinking you surely couldn't have snow, and it was sand... obviously they are not having a sand ball fight here...not sure how that will do. But with her big smile, I think this must be a bit of fun.

  8. fascinating as you can see the snowball in her hands which have moved during the shot
